Who We Are
Resolve Geo Pty Ltd has been developing quality coal assets for the last 25 years, culminating in it's greatest discovery to date, the Hyde Park Coal Project. The Managing Director and Principal Geologist, Gordon Saul, has 30 years of experience within multiple resource types, from dedicated technical roles, to directorships and strategic advice roles in both private and publicly listed companies.
Gordon is ably backed by a small team of skilled and enthusiastic geologists and administration professionals, including competent persons for reporting of JORC coal resources and registered with the AusIMM board of Chartered Professionals, ensuring a commitment to industry best practice in our technical, ethical and professional standards.
Robust technical practice, experience and wide industry acceptance have made Resolve Geo a long standing, high quality developer committed to using our experience to grow value in the projects we develop.
Over a period of 25 years, Resolve has developed and implemented worlds best practice systems, comprising training, mentoring, resource estimation, due diligence and independent geological assessments.
Resolve Geo Pty Ltd is committed to maintaining a culture of responsible practice with innovative exploration and development. To achieve this, we want to keep firmly in sight the three core factors that will drive our success:
1) Project management that delivers high quality results, recognizes the importance of strategic partners, being on time and on budget, and has at it's core competent technical practice.
2) Responsible development, to ensure that community relations, stakeholder management and environmental management are in phase with our development strategies.
3) Linking our technical work with a commitment to strong corporate integration, ensuring the needs and direction of the project are reflected in the studies undertaken and the delivered output, resulting in genuine additional project value.